Version : Beta11.1,
Seed : EfficiencyMatterTriangulator,
Scoresheet : : -4/Proximity Caves
A while back, during my successful volatile mode run, the game crashed.
I entered -4/Proximity Caves (I know it was that location, because it starts with being in line of sight of a lone sentry, which i distinctly remember having to flee from again after reloading.)
I wasn't doing anything special, but shortly after entering that level, the game crashed.
After reloading, i sensed an ARC approaching some derelict traps at about the same time (turn-wise) as when the game had crashed. Maybe the ARC dying to traps had something to do with the crash? The game didn't crash again when the arc died this time, so with the random element of explosions in volatile, it's difficult to say if it was actually related.
Crash log attached, which was also automatically uploaded back then.
Sorry for not properly reporting this until now!