There are no logs for that exit, so that wouldn't be it. Could be that it's some kind of duplicate for intel you already have, or something that doesn't apply, although in most of those cases I thought it would still say.
Any time you see something like this happen, you could provide me with the save from
before it occurred, using the new automated multisave system and I could see
exactly why
(Without something like that I won't be able to tell because there's too many possibilities and it probably won't appear as any kind of error to the game.)
The saves are marked by time, so if it just happened, for example, the save from a few minutes before would be fine, then just let me know what you did where and I can repeat it. That'll definitely help solve this. (Also: Aside from giving me one of hte autosaves maybe just keep a copy of all the relevant save files for a bit until I get back to you, in case there's something else I might need, thanks!)