Record: "Conscription"
The cave region to the west of known Warlord territory remains largely unexplored. This is likely the source of many of the unaffiliated "wild" Derelicts, and rumors in Derelict communities indicate that there may be some organized groups with unknown technology operating in the area. For these reasons I decided to start sending expeditions out west. Without having any idea of what to expect, I believed that some degree of independent thinking would be required to handle whatever is out there and return with a full report. I began offering certain captured bots the option to participate in these expeditions. The acceptance rate was lower than expected. Were the prisoners that determined to deny me any form of assistance, or were they more afraid of whatever's out there than the threat of being scrapped? Those Derelicts who accepted were given the opportunity to refit their parts and were provided with a large number of 0b10 bots to accompany them. Though they were nominally in charge, I sent along enough Programmers to discourage the possibility of desertion. All units sent so far were considered to be expendable but I haven't written them off quite yet.