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 on: October 25, 2024, 03:16:48 AM 
Started by CaptainWinky - Last post by CaptainWinky
Record: "Conscription"
The cave region to the west of known Warlord territory remains largely unexplored.  This is likely the source of many of the unaffiliated "wild" Derelicts, and rumors in Derelict communities indicate that there may be some organized groups with unknown technology operating in the area.  For these reasons I decided to start sending expeditions out west.  Without having any idea of what to expect, I believed that some degree of independent thinking would be required to handle whatever is out there and return with a full report.  I began offering certain captured bots the option to participate in these expeditions.  The acceptance rate was lower than expected.  Were the prisoners that determined to deny me any form of assistance, or were they more afraid of whatever's out there than the threat of being scrapped?  Those Derelicts who accepted were given the opportunity to refit their parts and were provided with a large number of 0b10 bots to accompany them.  Though they were nominally in charge, I sent along enough Programmers to discourage the possibility of desertion.  All units sent so far were considered to be expendable but I haven't written them off quite yet.

 on: October 23, 2024, 07:24:43 AM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by Kyzrati
Yeah was just spending some hours working with SFX for Beta 15 today, and what I think will work okay for this one in particular is simply reducing its audible range, so I adjusted that. It was quite far, meaning it could even easily get through doors and around far corners to reach you when less relevant.

 on: October 22, 2024, 05:01:41 AM 
Started by CaptainWinky - Last post by jimmyl
really well done stuff

hope atleast some get implemented though
I see most of the 0b10 parts as obsolete (not just the rating 0 ones) or not fitting into MC's current doctrine but it's fun to imagine.  For example a low-powered transmission jammer could be kinda good on -9 for a melee build but you get the basic jammer so soon that it wouldn't matter.

they could easily appear damaged in recycling or just kept by various derelicts

 on: October 21, 2024, 11:21:35 PM 
Started by CaptainWinky - Last post by CaptainWinky
really well done stuff

hope atleast some get implemented though
I see most of the 0b10 parts as obsolete (not just the rating 0 ones) or not fitting into MC's current doctrine but it's fun to imagine.  For example a low-powered transmission jammer could be kinda good on -9 for a melee build but you get the basic jammer so soon that it wouldn't matter.

 on: October 21, 2024, 11:06:43 PM 
Started by CaptainWinky - Last post by jimmyl
really well done stuff

hope atleast some get implemented though

 on: October 20, 2024, 02:54:18 AM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by R-26 Lightspeed
I do mean "call clock time", yes.
Micro-Nukes are particularly annoying in that one event, and they're especially frustrating when happening behind a wall or far enough away that i can't even see them or the attacker, but still close enough to stop all my actions for an entire three seconds, likely multiple times in a row.

 on: October 19, 2024, 09:35:36 PM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by Kyzrati
Whoa, Joshua, haven't seen you around for a long while, welcome back :)

I'm sure they mean the animation time, since it is longer than the average AOE effect. Turn-time would not really be relevant.

 on: October 19, 2024, 01:19:05 PM 
Started by R-26 Lightspeed - Last post by Joshua
Is this suggestion to make it faster in game time (turns) or is it referring to the animation time (wall clock time)?

 on: October 19, 2024, 07:57:26 AM 
Started by CaptainWinky - Last post by CaptainWinky
Analysis: "D-48 Pulsar"
The success of the original demolisher led to the creation of an electromagnetic variant.  The D-48 Pulsar, armed with an EMP Blaster, featured insulated plating to augment its innate EM resistance and was the first demolisher to use a launcher guidance computer.  This bot also came equipped with a device that focused EMP blasts for more concentrated damage in a smaller and more controllable area.  I believed that an EM launcher would cause less collateral damage than a grenade launcher in Complex territory.  This was partially correct because walls were not destroyed by EMP blasts, but Pulsars' shots often damaged machinery and detonated nuclear reactors.  EMP blasts also set off traps which caused explosions and false alarms.  Residual corruption of maintenance bots caused them to trigger trap arrays in unexpected places.  The Pulsar was effective despite the chaos it caused but not enough to justify regular use.  Few were produced and all were eventually expended in the caves.

Record: "Temporary Permissions"
To facilitate mainframe maintenance, P-50 Gurus were often required to perform specific high-security database operations or reset sensitive systems.  I chose to produce specialized hackware to provide appropriate permissions when necessary.  Instead of giving them to all Gurus I decided to make limited quantities of chips that expired after one use, a decision that seemed overly cautious at the time but proved wise when the Guru schematic was stolen.  The Derelict version of these programmers has a crude but functional "hack stack" for general use but cannot easily exploit admin privileges without my Database Keys or Bootstrap Chips.  Operators and newer programmers utilize a more efficient system connected to RIF, so this hackware has been discontinued and existing stock will be recycled.  This concept led me to begin implementing a similar chip-based authorization system for fabricators.  This will provide added security for the fabrication network while saving me from having to manually approve component requests from mechanics or parties such as the Unchained.

 on: October 18, 2024, 08:44:10 PM 
Started by N.W.L - Last post by Kyzrati
Well technically for personal use you can load whatever tilesets you have/want into it, but in the end the tileset needs to be in a format/layout that RP can use, and correctly added to the config file. Cogmind tiles are not in such a format (I don't actually use them in RP myself, either--never have! I work in ASCII only).

The manual describes how to add custom fonts, and there are many on the website as well. Custom tilesets are essentially no different from fonts in that regard.

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