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Messages - gumix

Oh, my bad, I thought I know the manual by heart!
:o thanks so much for letting me know :) - truly useful thing!
I think a simple tick-box in the options enabling picking actually visible glyph instead of glyph on the current layer could be very useful in general. Or maybe we could have a middle-mouse button for advanced picking with even more options?
I made it specifically for use of CP_437's half blocks and 25,50,75 dither glyphs.

It's open source, currently palette is hard-coded (but can be changed then recompiled)

Sample input 40x40 px .png (scaled up here to match size of re-exported to png resulting xp)
And the output 20x20 cells .xp using ANSI 16C

Have fun!
I do agree, this is also the primary weapon in my case.
The problem was with multi layered assets, where fg/bk colors are not so easy to pick without seeing it / knowing which layer that cells is located at.
Hi, yes your're probably right it is quite specific to my work flow. It turned to be very useful during retouching (refreshing) sprites though.
Eg, sprite makes use of many similar colors, 'violets' over its shoes and 'magentas' for the shirt. They are not easily distinguishable by eye especially over contrasting background but I would like not to mess them together. So while retouching one part, I select it, make palette for it retouch it using generated palette of a very few colors, then I can proceed to another part.

Forget it Kyzrati, it's so specific, but it took some time to realize that :)

Hi Kyzrati,
Like in the title, this is just suggestion, low-priority, currently I simply copy-paste into new image then do the regular CTRL+SHIFT+E, usually using in combination with the killer 'D'-depth.

Fun fact, I run RP on ubuntu (with wine), there is a key-stroke collision with gnome's text input. By default pressing CTRL+SHIFT+E starts to produce emoticons. Remapping it to use <Super> modifier additionally fixes the problem.
gsettings set org.freedesktop.ibus.panel.emoji hotkey $'[\'<Control><Super><Shift>e\']'
Yes, this is the reply tp his 'gumix land' panel on some ansi jam :)

I started with a sketch of a Nessy like creature using modular sprites for my game and ended up with a postcard-style image hahaha.
A postcard
Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
September 28, 2021, 01:21:23 PM
This piece caused a serious distraction from my dev road map. A game controller mapping tool, still I'm not sure if I'm going to use it but I think it looks pretty nice. Esthetics are somewhat more scifi than medieval though.
Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
September 18, 2021, 06:15:57 AM
Yes, these arr not fonts for use in RP,  just bunch of glyph sprites for use maybe in title screen / menu if game uses similar to cp437 half block glyphs. Definitely not RP resources, just creation.
Great, thanks. Yes, HSV may be better if snapping to particular hue is more important than global luminance match.
Everything REXPaint / Re: Show off your REXPAINT creations
September 17, 2021, 07:48:12 AM
Here are my new fonts, they are free to use and distribute (license: CC BY 3.0).
Important: fonts make extensive use of half-blocks (from cp437).
Hey, may I ask what actual color difference is implemented?
Works very well, I'm just curious.
Works great :)

Previously I've posted a false bug report, I've deleted it immediately after figuring out I'm using wrong key stroke (ctrl_alt_shift_w instead of ctrl_alt_shift_p). I'm sorry, if you had a chance to read it :)

And showing number of colors changed / unique colors is a great addition!

Thank you!

That's awesome, having it working with apply flags on all  unlocked and visible layers would make me the happiest RP user, but probably I'm already :)
Yea, it's 100% niche - 1 stupid user (me), I've painted many new sprites using arbitrary rgb colors "just for now, to see how it look".
Then it turned to look really good but sprites were using out of production palette colors :(

QuoteHow does "RGB least square diff " work?
I meant, for every x,y cell on active layer, separately for background and foreground, we're looking for such palette index (0-255) on active palette which results in smallest color error given by:

int ColorDiff(uint8 rgb1[3], uint8 rgb2[3])
    static const int w[3] = {3,4,1}; // human is less sensitive to blue changes, this could be configurable
    int dr = rgb1[0] - rgb2[0]; // per channel difference
    int dg = rgb1[1] - rgb2[1];
    int db = rgb1[2] - rgb2[2];
    return w[0]*dr*dr + w[1]*dg*dg + w[2]*db*db; // weighted sum of square diffs

Of course I've fixed my mistake outside of RP, so it is not must have feature in RP.
Thanks Kyzrati,
That is what I've used in the past and probably I've messed it up with another program... ahh yes with my own xp automation :X

QuoteThere being multiple ways to define that...
Yep I'm aware of that, simple RGB least square diff would be a thing! :)

Is this 2.0 backlog applicable?
Hey, is there command to replace foreground and/or background colors (as enabled by apply flags) of all cells on current layer with nearest colors in selected palette?
I would have my head cut off there was such thing but I cannot find it in manual now.
Everything REXPaint / Re: a Font Atlas Generator
August 20, 2020, 09:29:15 AM
You've spent just a day!
So, there are just 2 things i miss in it:
- option to clip glyphs in cells
- manual fine x,y global shifting

Other than that it works really great!
(I've tested it on the phone too!)
Everything REXPaint / Re: Mirroring Glyphs
August 18, 2020, 05:05:50 PM
Sounds really good!
I couldn't imagine anything better. So I can have one ie: 'cp437-mirror.txt' file for all font sizes :) I guess petscii users are going to appreciate this functionality even more, there are a lot more symmetrical glyphs.
Thanks so much!
Everything REXPaint / Re: Mirroring Glyphs
August 18, 2020, 10:29:47 AM
Quoteexternal text file
I bet this is the most user friendly way.
I'm also hoping this feature will be included in RP some time.
Ok, thank you for explanations. Whatever logic was behind, I'm happy with it as it is as instant preview makes it clear what's gonna happen on LMB click. :)
Everything REXPaint / Re: REXPaint's markown manual
June 21, 2020, 11:05:05 AM
Great job :)
Just checked it out, works really great!
Btw, this is not related to multi layer feature but to full canvas copy (ctrl+shift+c).
I've noticed that if current paste mode is in x/y-flipping mode, copying full canvas copies flipped image.
One can find it useful, but I think it wasn't intended ;)
Description is really good, sounds like this is going to perfectly fit my needs, interaction with hidden and locked layers (I haven't considered them previously) make a great final touch to this feature. Sure, I'll let you know if something goes strangely. Thanks!

Btw, where those trees come from?