« on: November 07, 2024, 03:55:53 PM »
okay, so this might just be a case of "you need to git gud", but I'm genuinely sort of lost. i have over 70 hours in the game now and im not gonna lie the late game is kinda kicking my ass. i can pretty consistently get through factory, but around -5/-4 i just lose all of that skill and it turns into an endless wave battle of assult squads, with me running for my life desperately looking for a way out instead of being sneaky. the sheer amount of patrols kinda leads to inevitable battles that raises my alert, witch in turn increases my ass whooping's frequency, witch means i have to switch all my fancy sensors out witch normally leads to me alerting more squads because i couldn't react to another squad coming to pernitrate my shiny metal carapace from another direction. i HAVE gotten to -1 before. but that was by pure chance and i almost immediately got my coggy ass clapped into oblivion. if anyone has any tips PLEASE drop some knowledge on me, i so BADLY want a win