Some update: This run ends at -3/research, destroyed by programmer squad.
Post mortem thoughts:
- The warlord room had a lot of toys to play. But only storage I can found was Humpsacks(!). I managed to salvage some wheels from warzone at front door and get out with as much as I can find.
- The assault squard left many good hovering units on the ground, which helped a lot.
- The big mistake I made was decided to get 1x weapon slot upon entering -4/fac. With the energe and heat requirements of my hovering units I cannot support firing 4 weapons anyway.
- Another problem is lack of enemy intel. In the hindsight I probably can salvage a seismic sensor from green bots. Peeking out on corridor blind, I got caught in a cargo convoy and had to dive into whatever exit nearest without many hacking in -4.
- While I already got exit intel to -2, I completely forget about that due to busy balancing my heat and weight (that extra weapon slot!), and finally got caught in group of programmers.
After all I got many new lore to read and I hope next time I can get better results.