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Messages - Johnny5001

Pages: [1]
Ideas / Re: Steam Achievement Ideas
« on: August 23, 2024, 11:09:40 AM »
For Science! - Enter a Research branch with Farcom
Wrong Solution, Right Answer - Fire the L-Cannon without the Capacitor
Abusing Save States - Find a way to travel back in time (using chrono wheel or any other cool future parts)

Ideas / Give Subcaves Power Bank the ability to store power.
« on: August 23, 2024, 10:53:41 AM »
I would give the power bank 1200 energy storage along with its temporary slots.

My first justification for this change would be that it is called a power bank, yet it currently only acts like an extension cord.

My second justification would be that I've been trying to achieve the Drained L-Cannon without the Capacitor and more options to achieve that meme build would be fun.

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Re: [Beta 14] Hidden Doors leading to ground
« on: August 09, 2024, 09:12:06 PM »
Ah, that makes sense. Maybe hidden passage ways could be constructed at the same time the room is? It's probably seeing a hidden passage that turns out to not connect to anything(yet) seems different to seeing a unfinished room because there isn't an expectation that every room is useful, but there is an expectation that every passageway is. I don't really know if it would better to just ignore the reports, or to spend time giving engineers the ability to build hidden door passages given that the behavior will only be seen by a few people inside very specific scenarios.

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / [Beta 14] Hidden Doors leading to ground
« on: August 09, 2024, 04:43:15 PM »
Happened on -10 Materials
Hidden door path leads to ground instead of a new room
Unsure if this is due to a Subcaves exit or just map gen going wrong

Fixed Bugs & Non-Bugs / Hacking Drone Ignores Command Seals [Beta 13]
« on: July 13, 2024, 02:38:26 AM »
Hacking Drone released by the Hacking Drone Bay ignores Command Seals despite the fact that hacks could be performed without risk of tracing. If this is intended behavior, item description does not specify that the Hacking Drone will only target certain kinds of terminals.

Ideas / Custom UI for Core Membrane
« on: July 01, 2024, 12:50:53 PM »
The Core Membrane is permanently consumed to block all system corruption, but leaves the system corruption bar intact. This creates two (extremely minor) problems. One, screen space is being used on a bar can no longer be changed, and two, after coming back from a break, it isn't immediately obvious that the CM is equipped. Both of these problems could be fixed at once by having a reminder that the CM is equipped replace the Sys. Corruption bar. I have made (an admittedly amateur) mockup of what the could look like. A similar reminder could also be given to other permanently consumed items, but most either directly change HUD numbers (Integrated Mediator), have immediately noticeable effects (Nav. Matrix), or aren't impactful enough to be worth remembering (Integrated Mediator).

I had this idea after a failed Command Run where I forgot that I had the CM and decided to just enter Command rather than try to get some better loot and risk getting some system corruption for the programmers that were chasing me.

Pages: [1]