I've made some bindings for Colemak users who want to keep the same finger positions as QWERTY during vi-like navigation.
This way, we can use homerow keys HNEI as well as JLBK for all vi-like movements (which correspond to QWERTY's HJKL YUBN).
I made this by first using a default
keyboard.cfg to swap keys in the following manner:
Colemak -> Default Command
E -> K
K -> N
N -> J
J -> Y
Y -> E
I -> L
L -> U
U -> I
Now your can move around by using
B KThis means that 2 default commands were actually affected:
- Cycling between energy/heat info, now bound to y (think of "energY") (previously bound to e)
- Open/closing the inventory panel, now bound to u (coincidentally in the same position as QWERTY's i key, to which it was previously bound)
All other commands work as expected (as default bindings)
To install, just delete
keyboard.cfg and then drop this
commands.cfg file into your
user/ directory
Hope this helps, it sure made the cogmind experience a lot better for me!