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Messages - DiamondTroller

Pages: [1]
Everything REXPaint / Re: Hard wrap for ANSI mode
« on: January 23, 2024, 02:29:44 AM »
Awesome stuff, thank you for the work!

Everything REXPaint / Re: Hard wrap for ANSI mode
« on: December 28, 2023, 02:01:52 PM »
My first usecase was Discord, but second one that I wanted to use ANSI mode for was to create files, which I could print on my termemu and see the pretty pictures(and adding them to MOTD so my operating systems professor sees it :) ). This use benefits from hardwrapping too, the termemu I use(kitty) doesn't seem to understand softwrapping escape codes either.

 Will this ruin ANSI mode for others? I'm not sure, I did try opening hardwrapped files with removed headers in PabloDraw, and it looked like it was viewing them correctly iirc, but the behaviour could be tested on other older editors too.

Everything REXPaint / Re: Hard wrap for ANSI mode
« on: December 27, 2023, 09:35:00 AM »
Thank you for the quick reply!

there could be an option for hard wrapping
And how is that presumed to work?
Yeah adding the newline when the horizontal line ends. See how the aforementioned tool does it.

But I decided to do some research on my own, found out about PabloDraw and through it found out about and from looking through couple packs, it truly seems that every .ans file has their own format, so having something that everyone will like is almost impossible. If I will find time, I will maybe write a small tool for Discord.

Everything REXPaint / Hard wrap for ANSI mode
« on: December 26, 2023, 04:10:18 PM »
Still like this awesome project. Thought maybe you could add few features, which I think might be useful to wider ANSI mode usage.
I wanted to use the ANSI mode for a discord message, but since the large company oversimplifies everything they make, it's borked as you can see in the image:

This is what editing the message looks like:

While original in Rex looks like this:

The main issue is that 80 col soft wrapping doesn't work, so there could be an option for hard wrapping(explicitly inserting newlines) and if hard wrapping's implemented then the Rex files could be in arbitrary width rather than 80 cols only. I totally would understand if you consider making such an option out of scope, but uses hard wrapping too, and I think it would still be pretty useful outside of discord too.

Also, I'm wondering what does ^[[?33h do :P, did a quick search on the webz, but didn't find anything.

Everything REXPaint / Semi-important GUI popup bug
« on: March 24, 2021, 02:49:04 PM »
First thought it was only an issue in wine, but then tested it in windows too and bug was here too.  :-\
After reloading files using R button in BROWSE, when editing "unnamed" temporary file the buttons and fields of GUI popups(e.g. Resize) don't work.
For already existing files this wasn't an issue.

Added file - bug demo video.

Everything REXPaint / Amstrad CPC green monochome palette
« on: July 09, 2020, 12:58:20 PM »

Wanted to make some retro green text mode aesthetic picture, but when browsed REXPaint resources page, was disappointed.
There weren't any monochrome palettes. :(
So I had to make palette myself.
It was a little hasle even finding one, but I found one. ;D
I ported Amstrad CPC green monochrome palette from example from wikipedia.
And I think it would be useful for others too, so decided to post this. ;)

Pages: [1]