If you equip, then unequip a matter storage unit the overflow will be destroyed.
I was hoping to be able to transfer matter to my larger storage units this way at a small matter cost, but instead I lost it all.
You have to click on a storage unit while it's equipped to toggle/activate LOAD mode so that it can take matter with it when you put it in your inventory.
The only way to transfer matter from one unit to another would be to have them both attached at the same time and set the larger one to LOAD, then detach it. Then you'll lose nothing except the attach cost of the second/larger unit.
Quote from: Kyzrati on May 30, 2015, 01:28:05 AM
You have to click on a storage unit while it's equipped to toggle/activate LOAD mode so that it can take matter with it when you put it in your inventory.
The only way to transfer matter from one unit to another would be to have them both attached at the same time and set the larger one to LOAD, then detach it. Then you'll lose nothing except the attach cost of the second/larger unit.
Shouldn't the matter it contained drop to the floor on unequip? You could label the storage unit's modes: Load and Dump (the latter would be the current unlabeled mode but with matter dropping to the floor). That would also allow a more intuitive way to swap matter between units, even if it would take more time. To me at least, the matter disappearing into thin air reads like a bug, and can be frustrating if you just walked around filling a unit to fabricate something (especially if it is a Hcp. unit).
EDIT: in case there is any confusion about the behavior here: If you have (for instance) a small m. storage unit which you have filled to 50 while carrying in your inventory, and your core matter stores are currently full, if you equip the unit and then unequip it without setting it to Load, the 50 matter just get eaten by the game.
I suggest giving the matter storage units three modes:
- Load: Same as now: attempts to completely fill the container from your total matter stores when unequipping.
- Overflow/Storage: Only takes with it whatever overflow exists due to its removal from the core, if any (if none, it remains empty). It might be simplest and most intuitive to make this the unlabeled default state.
- Dump: Like the current unlabeled default state, except the excess matter is dropped to the ground rather than destroyed.
Anyway, I'm not trying to drill anything into the ground if that's how it seems - let me know if I've gone overboard trying to clarify.
That makes sense, yes. I'll look at fixing that for the next release. Any situation where a unit is not marked LOAD will instead drop surplus to the ground if you unequip it and no longer have sufficient stores afterward. The only possible stumbling block here is it could train players away from using LOAD, which is generally a more efficient way to handle your matter.
I'll have to remember to check this during swapping as well--internally things get rather complicated there...
I added to my post above, didn't know you would reply so quickly. :)
Quote from: Sylverone on June 11, 2015, 07:24:12 AM
Anyway, I'm not trying to drill anything into the ground if that's how it seems - let me know if I've gone overboard trying to clarify.
No no, the clarification here is great. To keep things simple, I'd probably rather stick to just a LOAD state and default state where excess is dropped. I can see the benefits of having two separate alternate states, but I feel it overcomplicates matter management.
Yeah, it would be of limited use. Most important is the "law of conservation of Matter". :P
Also, the case in which the Unit is destroyed must also be covered. In that case I suggest the matter be dropped, with part of it being destroyed if you like.
I also just discovered that a Hcp. Matter Storage Unit did not take any matter with it when set to LOAD and dropped directly from the core to the map - probably applies to other sizes. Is that worth starting a bug thread for? I could copy-paste.
Last edit, I promise!: I'd say to avoid causing bad habits due to matter-dropping, just have the excess go with the unit ("overflow mode" in my above post) when not set to load. Emptying its contents on the ground seems like a strange behavior anyway. Unless there becomes a purpose for putting matter on the ground in the future, it's unnecessary.
Quote from: Sylverone on June 11, 2015, 08:12:20 AM
Most important is the "law of conservation of Matter". :P
Quote from: Sylverone on June 11, 2015, 08:12:20 AM
Also, the case in which the Unit is destroyed must also be covered. In that case I suggest the matter be dropped, with part of it being destroyed if you like.
I don't see a problem with not conserving matter if the storage unit is destroyed. It was responsible for containing the matter, after all.
Quote from: Sylverone on June 11, 2015, 08:12:20 AM
I also just discovered that a Hcp. Matter Storage Unit did not take any matter with it when set to LOAD and dropped directly from the core to the map - probably applies to other sizes. Is that worth starting a bug thread for? I could copy-paste.
Huh. That's odd. I'll just move this thread back into the bugs board...
Quote from: Kyzrati on June 11, 2015, 08:20:41 AM
Quote from: Sylverone on June 11, 2015, 08:12:20 AM
Also, the case in which the Unit is destroyed must also be covered. In that case I suggest the matter be dropped, with part of it being destroyed if you like.
I don't see a problem with not conserving matter if the storage unit is destroyed. It was responsible for containing the matter, after all.
I should have said "considered", not "covered". Just thought I'd mention it.
Oh, I took it to mean considered :)