1 |
2 |
3 |
zzxc (9136) |
Happylisk (8348) |
Shobalk (6898) |
Highest average score for all personal runs |
Feckless (0.71) |
jimmijamjams (0.62) |
may2ever (0.62) |
Highest trap trigger rate |
ventricule (1.16) |
kumo (1.66) |
RoboCicero (1.80) |
Traveled furthest with weakest peak rating |
caga (78.00) |
Zeia (70.75) |
Chad (67.62) |
Highest percent of cannon shots |
zzxc (4.76) |
Oarsman (12.50) |
zill (18.59) |
Lowest percentage of parts lost before replacement |
safons (3) |
Alexlascribe (3) |
Feckless (3) |
Most robot analysis records |
ryvn (3) |
kaiza (3) |
DaftAero (3) |
Lowest kill streak through at least seven regions |
zzxc (9) |
RoboCicero (8) |
Oarsman (6) |
Highest total rating of parts built |
stylesuxx (93) |
Chad (84) |
BoomBlip (35) |
Most games played |
Xenocide (545) |
Agroesch (304) |
Feckless (185) |
Most ramming damage inflicted |
may2ever (8) |
(unknown) |
(unknown) |
Most drone recoveries |
Feckless (612) |
zzxc (605) |
Happylisk (476) |
Highest average influence |
BoomBlip (0) |
Zeia (4) |
zzxc (6) |
Lowest average temperature |
Chad (281013) |
stylesuxx (242407) |
Happylisk (192016) |
Highest combined score from all runs |
Oarsman (144.26) |
Tuxedo Knight (142.85) |
zzxc (116.79) |
Highest hit rate |
Psyha (14) |
Tuxedo Knight (13) |
Agroesch (10) |
Most Assembled kills |
may2ever (5) |
stylesuxx (2) |
Chad (2) |
Most cave-ins triggered |
Zeia (56.60) |
BoomBlip (93.11) |
Oarsman (98.33) |
Traveled furthest in shortest amount of time |
mendonca (52.63) |
stylesuxx (46.15) |
CaptainKraft (44.44) |
Highest percentage of weapon slots |
Feckless (38) |
Qbert911 (37) |
cogger (36) |
Highest exploration rate |
Alexlascribe (0.00) |
Sherlockkat (1.25) |
stylesuxx (1.42) |
Lowest rate of tactical retreats |
BoomBlip (1) |
Zeia (1) |
zzxc (2) |
Fewest number of different robot classes destroyed |
Chad (41) |
Happylisk (30) |
zill (25) |
Greatest number of allies |
zzxc (2) |
RoboCicero (2) |
Alexlascribe (1) |
Most behemoths destroyed |
Oarsman (2.19) |
zzxc (1.58) |
ventricule (1.09) |
Highest rate of melee attacks |
cogger (5.27) |
Agroesch (4.56) |
zzxc (4.51) |
Highest successful hacking rate |
zzxc (100.00) |
Tuxedo Knight (64.28) |
Feckless (49.24) |
Highest percent of explosive shots |
stylesuxx (13.33) |
safons (18.18) |
cogger (18.18) |
Lowest percentage of utility slots |
Happylisk (7) |
stylesuxx (6) |
BoomBlip (6) |
Highest overweight average |
zzxc (28) |
ventricule (17) |
zill (12) |
Highest rate of hauler interceptions |
zzxc (540) |
mendonca (524) |
Psyha (475) |
Hottest volley fired |
zzxc (76.00) |
sve9 (72.00) |
stylesuxx (68.42) |
Highest percentage of utility slots |
MacCoy (494) |
BoomBlip (270) |
Arnot (251) |
Highest average temperature |
Agroesch (35) |
sve9 (27) |
zzxc (18) |
Most terminal record hacks |
DaftAero (3) |
Alexlascribe (3) |
Agroesch (2) |
Peak state included greatest number of wheels |
Chad (100.00) |
RoboCicero (97.22) |
Oarsman (88.33) |
Highest percent of electromagnetic shots |
zzxc (8.00) |
Happylisk (8.00) |
BoomBlip (9.52) |
Lowest percentage of propulsion slots |
Chad (21.73) |
Lily (20.45) |
zzxc (20.00) |
Highest robot meltdown rate |
Chad (2723) |
stylesuxx (2580) |
zzxc (2159) |
Most time played |
BoomBlip (0.00) |
Chad (0.00) |
Zeia (0.20) |
Lowest kill rate for distance traveled |
stylesuxx (38.33) |
Agroesch (32.50) |
zzxc (31.53) |
Highest rate of sentry kills |
zzxc (1867) |
Happylisk (25462) |
(unknown) |
Fastest escape |
RoboCicero (5.98) |
may2ever (5.47) |
Feckless (4.96) |
Highest rate of overload shots |
BoomBlip (1.19) |
Zeia (3.14) |
TheWing (4.83) |
Lowest robot kill rate |
zzxc (32) |
Happylisk (27) |
sve9 (21) |
Highest average inventory items carried |
Tuxedo Knight (96.00) |
stylesuxx (96.00) |
zill (96.00) |
Highest average slot usage |
ventricule (6.05) |
Chad (5.58) |
zzxc (5.35) |
Best prototype identification rate |
stylesuxx (0.00) |
edg3 (0.00) |
Zeia (0.00) |
Fewest average inventory items carried |
Chad (1069) |
kumo (1009) |
may2ever (887) |
Highest rate of salvage recovery |
Happylisk (56) |
may2ever (17) |
Shobalk (16) |
Most robots corrupted |
BoomBlip (2.00) |
shinygerbil (1.39) |
stylesuxx (1.32) |
Highest rate of tactical retreats |
stylesuxx (1666) |
Shobalk (1666) |
Psyha (1666) |
Fastest speed reached |
stylesuxx (1681) |
Tuxedo Knight (1296) |
haddron (1131) |
Most time in mines |
BoomBlip (838) |
Happylisk (620) |
Qbert911 (439) |
Highest number of naked turns |
Happylisk (38) |
may2ever (34) |
Chad (32) |
Highest system corruption |
caga (5.53) |
may2ever (5.23) |
stylesuxx (5.03) |
Highest robot kill rate |
Oarsman (3) |
may2ever (2) |
Tuxedo Knight (2) |
Most robots hacked |
kumo (4.69) |
may2ever (2.95) |
Chad (1.47) |
Highest trap reprogram rate |
caga (27.87) |
mendonca (24.46) |
Chad (24.21) |
Highest rate of fire |
zzxc (96.00) |
Happylisk (94.73) |
Tuxedo Knight (86.36) |
Highest full trace rate |
Chad (17) |
may2ever (16) |
zzxc (16) |
Best kill streak |
Alexlascribe (10) |
Chad (9) |
Ruludos (6) |
Highest total rating of robots built |
stylesuxx (100.00) |
may2ever (50.00) |
Feckless (50.00) |
Highest percentage of assault squads dispatched |
Happylisk (17.55) |
Chad (10.00) |
stylesuxx (9.52) |
Highest corruption kill rate |
zzxc (28.53) |
Chad (20.83) |
Oarsman (10.43) |
Highest manual hacking rate |
zzxc (1210) |
Chad (1195) |
kumo (1136) |
Highest rate of destruction |