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Here's a Press Kit! Press can request a review copy by emailing from their official email address.

Streamers/LP'ers may also request a key, but only from the exact confirmed email address associated with their channel (please include a link to your channel). Requests are considered on a case-by-case basis, and will take factors such as channel content relevancy and subscriber base into account.

Everyone feel free to record/stream the game and monetize, but please link to this website!

Some notes on recording/sharing/reviewing Cogmind:

  • Cogmind requires desktop recording, as it does not use Direct X or OpenGL.
  • It's strongly recommended to lower the difficulty in the options menu! Note that the change won't be applied until you die or suicide from the game menu and start again. The default game is fairly balanced for long-term replayability by experienced players, but it can take a while to learn effective tactics. If your goal is to see more in a shorter period of time with the game, a lower difficulty will make that much easier.
  • If you plan to play for more than a cursory run or two, and would like to reach some of the more interesting challenges and unique areas later, after finishing the quick built-in tutorial and playing a run or two it's highly recommended to read the list of Survival Tips included in the manual.