Grid Sage Games is a one-man game development company based in Taiwan and run by Josh Ge (a.k.a. "Kyzrati"). There are several projects in the works, but the first to be announced is Cogmind. As a self-funded indie developer, I appreciate any support you can provide, be it helping spread the word or by buying Cogmind.I also created REXPaint, a free ASCII art tool used by many artists and developers. Learn more about it here.
If you're interested in roguelike development, I moderate a welcoming community of roguelike developers here. Consider joining us :D
You can also support all of my work on Patreon!
Open Development
Grid Sage's first official game is currently in beta development, and much of the process is being recorded through an open devblog where you can follow along to learn more about the state and direction of the game. Also see the forums for announcements.Games


You can reach me via...- gridsagegames@gmail.com
- @GridSageGames on Twitter
- Also find me in the many communities/platforms listed on the Cogmind contact page